Nelle scorse ore il team di Microsoft ha dato il via al rilascio di un nuovo aggiornamento per Windows 11: stiamo parlando delle build 22621.3958 e 22631.3958.
L’update in questione, identificato dalla sigla KB5040527, rappresenta l’aggiornamento non-security preview di luglio 2024 per le versioni 22H2 e 23H2.
Le novità dell’aggiornamento di Windows 11 KB5040527
L’update in questione porta con sé su Windows 11 diverse nuove funzioni, come ad esempio il trascinamento delle app aggiunte dal menu Start alla barra delle applicazioni e la possibilità di duplicare una scheda di Esplora file.
Ecco il changelog ufficiale con le novità introdotte in Windows 11:
- [Start menu] New! You can drag apps from the Pinned section of the menu and pin them to the taskbar.
- [Taskbar]
- New! When the taskbar has keyboard focus (WIN + T), you can press a letter, and you will go to the app whose name starts with that letter. When you press a letter more than once, you will go to the next app whose name starts with that letter. Pressing a letter more than once only works if there are multiple pinned or open apps whose name starts with that letter. If you are using an uncombined taskbar, when you press a letter, you go to the window whose name starts with that letter. Also, when you press Home and End, the keyboard focus changes to the first and last items in the taskbar.
- The End task option no longer shows a not responding dialog before it stops a task. This option is only available when you turn on End task in Settings > System > For Developers.
- [File Explorer]
- New! When you right-click a tab, you have the choice to duplicate it.
- A memory leak occurs when you interact with archive folders.
- File Explorer stops responding when you browse within it.
- When you search from Home for the first time, you might not get any results.
- The address bar dropdown menu might appear when you do not expect it.
- When you use the Save dialog to save a file to Gallery, an error occurs. Because of this update, your file saves to the Pictures library instead.
- The search box does not show the correct folder name when you are in Gallery.
- A blank area shows at the top of File Explorer.
- The back and forward mouse buttons do not work when you hover over the Recommended Files section of Home.
- Images flash when you view them in the Gallery.
- [Desktop icons] Spacing between them might become very wide.
Per ulteriori informazioni su questo aggiornamento di Windows 11 vi rimandiamo alla pagina dedicata sul sito di supporto di Microsoft.
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